Four-Year-Old Kindergarten
A look at the community-based four-year-old kindergarten program in the Stoughton Area School District and its five partner sites.
In 2009 our tradition of educating preschoolers expanded to include a 4-year-old kindergarten program, in partnership with the Stoughton Area School District.
4K is an exciting and positive step in your child’s life long journey of learning. Our main goal is to help prepare them for kindergarten, using a play-based academic curriculum. We are dedicated to planning and preparing activities that will develop your child’s literacy, math and language skills, building their confidence, and teaching them acceptance so that they can be comfortable to explore their vast potential.
Students are offered free choice, outdoor play, indoor gross motor activities, and wonderful field trip opportunities.
All children who turn four before September 1st are eligible to enroll. Enrollment is held in January at Sandhill Elementary and is offered by the Stoughton Area School District. For more information about 4K enrollment, please visit the Stoughton Area School District 4K page.
Fees & Schedule
There is no registration fee for 4K. Field trip notifications and any related fees will be sent home throughout the year. Classes are held from 7:45 – 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday. The schedule follows the Stoughton Area School District calendar (closed holidays, spring break, summer vacation, etc.).
Wrap-around child care is also available before and after preschool, and all day on Fridays when 4K is not held.
A co-operative school depends on its community of parents. Parents serve on our Board of Directors, fund-raise for the school, help maintain the school and grounds, provide and restock supplies, clean, paint, and more. Every family is asked to contribute their talents and their unique perspective to our children and our school.
These are the specific requirements for families who have a child enrolled in 4K:
Families must provide snacks for the class throughout the school year.
All 4K families are encouraged to sign up for volunteer opportunities during the school year, although it is required only for 4K families enrolled in two or more days of wrap.
Fundraising REQUiREMENT
To ensure the funding necessary to support our budget, fundraising events are held throughout the year. While it is not required, we benefit from 4K family participation in funding for our school. If you prefer not to participate in fundraising but still want to help financially, you are welcome to make a tax-deductible donation to our school.
Field Trips
For special enrichment, several field trips are planned during the year. Transportation is provided by Stoughton Area School District buses. A minimum number of parents is required to chaperone each field trip or the field trip will not take place. These are great learning experiences for our students so parent participation is critical.